On Tuesday I spent all day painting at my dads work, boom earned £50!
On Wednesday my car broke down in the middle of some woods. Ever experienced that moment when the clutch pedal goes down...and doesn't come back up? And! I was by myself. Great, had to wait 3 hours before I could move. Best day, ever.
On Thursday, I had my hair done- I got her to do exactly what I wanted; success!
On Friday, I made cupcakes :) Good Friday meant family at home- Yay.
On Saturday, I had work boo :( Then Drinks and dancing with colleagues, yay!
On Sunday-Easter Sunday- The clocks went forward which meant i only had 3 hours sleep- hungover for sure and had the joy of a 2 hours car journey to Manchester to see the family as it was also my Auntie's birthday! Was so lovely to see everyone, always fun.
Now tired, looking forward to a week of absolute laziness and friend time with my girls. Hope your week has been a fun one.
Happy Easter!! ♥