On Tuesday me and a friend went to the Clothes Show Live together at the NEC in Birmingham. For all you non-Uk'ers (yes I did just write that- awful english), the Clothes show is a yearly event that lasts 5 days in December which is held at a concert hall in England holding more than 200 stalls of retailers, designers, botiques and University fashion, Jewellery and make up products being sold. These exist of one off clothing botiques, vintage clothes stalls, shoe stalls and loads more. It was my first time attending but I know loads of friends who have been before and it used to be on the TV too (I miss it). It was an overwhelming day. We were there for about 6-8 hours, as it was the last day of the event lots of the stuff was being discounted to get rid of their stock. As well as these stalls there was of course a runway show with local retailers and designer clothes being modeled for thousands of girls to have the pleasure of watching. My camera is on its way out so I got hardly any photos that I was hoping for :( A proper Camera for Christmas please? Despite the failing camera, It was such an amazing day I had so much fun and can't wait for next year ♥
Definitely recognise this model but don't know what from- hence the many pictures, do you know who he is or what work he's done?
And of course, you can't close a clothes show without doing the gangnam dance.
Unfortunataley David Gandy didn't model;very disapointed. But I have to admit- it was a good show. ♥
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