I don't know if it's because of my University course, because I like to shop or just because it has been in most fashion news. But it is obvious to say, the pink coat is the main focal trend for this season. Since September when Autumn/Winter wear has been approaching the shops, outerwear is the main garment customers will be buying new. And the trend predicted from designers such as Simone Rocha, JW Anderson etc has been this look of pink! It's everywhere. I actually love the light bright pastel colour for such a dreary cold season that consist of blacks, maroons and greys. It's fresh and its new! M&S had sold out so fast with their pink coat being the most wanted item in the few weeks it was promoted. I look forward to seeing it around, hope you trendy ones bought yours already! ♥
I’m Ceren from tomwaitsforme.blogspot.com and I have awarded you for the Liebster Award. You can find more info on my post down there and participate if you want, have a nice evening! :)